Property Sales
Property Sales
Real Property Sales:
Judicial real property sales are conducted by the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office and held in the main lobby located at 63333 W Highway 20, Bend, OR 97703.
For a current and accurate list of properties and the schedule of sale dates and times; view our Civil Current Sales
*We update this document as new information is received.
All sales are initially posted on the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association (OSSA) website with a copy of the Notice of Sale, Writ of Execution and Judgment through the original sale date. In addition, we publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation for four consecutive weeks prior to the sale date. Click Here to see all Sheriff’s sales posted on the OSSA website.
Potential Bidders/Purchasers:
The sheriff’s office Civil Unit cannot give legal advice on the purchase of properties at our auctions. We strongly encourage you to seek legal counsel, or at a minimum to read through ORS Chapter 18 regarding your responsibilities as a purchaser of judicial real property sales.
A. Research properties
Before bidding at the sale, a prospective bidder should independently investigate the following:
- The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
- Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property;
- Approved uses for the property;
- Limits on farming or forest practices on the property;
- Rights of neighboring property owners; and
- Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property.
B. Funds/Payment
- Cash or cashier’s checks are acceptable as funds.
- Funds must be on hand at the sale. There is no time allowed to go obtain funds.
- Cashier's checks made out to “Deschutes County Sheriff's Office”.
- We suggest bringing cashier’s checks in increments that you are comfortable with. If you are the winning bidder, we will collect payment and deposit that to county finance through the bank. It can take 7-10 days for the payment to settle and then another 7-10 days for us to receive a refund check for overpayment.
- Cash: If you bring cash, please arrive 30-45 minutes prior to the sale time to allow for verification of funds. It can take time for two members to count cash with you in a private room.
C. Day of Sale
- Arrive 15-30 minutes prior to sale time. Check in at the civil window where we will collect your information as a bidder and verify your funds on hand.
- Only bidders with verified funds may participate in the bidding on the property.
- If any part of the purchase price is paid by cashier’s check, the purchaser will be given a receipt in lieu of the Certificate of Sale. The cashier’s check will then be deposited. Once we have verification the cashier's check has received final settlement at the financial institution, the purchaser will receive the Certificate of Sale by first class mail or you can arrange for pickup at the office.
- Certificate of Sale fee: There is a $56.00 fee for the Certificate of Sale and a $10.00 Notary fee for a total of $66.00. This fee is billed to the purchaser.
- The Certificate of Sale must be recorded at the Deschutes County Clerk’s Office pursuant to ORS 18.942(2).
D. After Sale
- These properties are subject to redemption per Oregon Revised Statute 18.960 through 18.983.
- Once the redemption period has expired you can request the issuance of the Sheriff’s Deed for the property.
- We can issue a Sheriff’s Deed prior to the expiration of the statutory redemption period if you obtain an order signed by a judge directing us to do so. - Requirement for Sheriff’s Deed
A.) Original “Recorded” Certificate of Sale or Copy of “Recorded Certificate of Sale
B.) If vesting the deed under different name than the purchaser listed on the certificate of sale, please provide us a copy of the one of the below:
a. Recorded Assignment of Certificate of Sale; or
b. Bargain and Sale Deed
C.) Completed Deed Request Form. Click HERE for the form.
D.) Payment of $66.00 ($56.00 Deed Fee and $10.00 Notary Fee) - The Sheriff’s Deed must be recorded at the Deschutes County Clerk’s Office pursuant to ORS 18.942(2).
Attorney/Plaintiff Instructions for Submission of Real Property Sale Executions:
In order to save time and additional steps, we ask that you consider automatically granting an extension of the writ to 150 days as allowed by law in the instructions to the Sheriff. This will cover any possible delays that may arise for us.
Writ of Execution Request Packet:
- Instructions to Sheriff (ORS 18.875)
- Writ of Execution
- Copy of the Judgment
- $330.00 check made out to :Deschutes County Sheriff’s office” for us to cover the Oregon State Sheriff's Association website posting (ORS 18.926)
- Order Authorizing Sale (if needed per ORS 18.904)
Note: If these items are not complete, we will not process and schedule the sale until we have all items.
Mail or bring packets to:
Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Civil Unit
63333 West Highway 20
Bend, OR 97703
Submitting Creditors Written Bid:
- Due no less than 48 hours prior to sale date and time. Email to
- If you are submitting a minimum bid, but not a written credit bid, then you must have a representative show up at the sale to present your bid. Notify us through our email listed above.
- Any postponements or cancellations please email those to us as well.
Personal Property Sales:
The Sheriff’s office will conduct personal property sales as instructed through a signed Writ of Execution. Click HERE for our current list of scheduled Personal Property Sales.
Note: We update this document as new information is received.
Potential Bidders/Purchasers:
The sheriff’s office Civil Unit cannot give legal advice. We strongly encourage you to seek legal counsel, or at a minimum to read through ORS Chapter 18 regarding personal property sales.
A. Property for Auction
- The property up for auction will be available for viewing at the auction location. There is no viewing or inspection available prior to the auction date and time.
- Property is sold “as is”.
B. Funds/Payment
- Cash or cashier’s checks are acceptable as funds.
- Funds must be on hand at the sale. There is no time allowed to go obtain funds.
- Cashier's checks made out to “Deschutes County Sheriff's Office”.
- We suggest bringing cashier’s checks in increments that you are comfortable with. If you are the winning bidder, we will collect payment and deposit that to county finance through the bank. It can take 7-10 days for the payment to settle and then another 7-10 days for us to receive a refund check for overpayment.
- Cash: If you bring cash, please arrive 30-45 minutes prior to the sale time to allow for verification of funds. It can take time for two members to count cash with you in a private room.
C. Day of Sale
- Arrive 15-30 minutes prior to sale time. Check in with the Civil Unit, we will collect your information as a bidder and verify your funds on hand.
- Only bidders with verified funds may participate in the bidding on the property.
- A Bill of Sale will be provided to winning bidder and a receipt for the funds paid. If a refund is due, the Civil Unit will be in contact with the purchaser when that refund check is issued. Usually 14 – 20 days after the sale date.
Attorney/Plaintiff Instructions for Submission of Personal Property Sale Executions:
The Sheriff’s Instructions must meet the requirements of ORS Chapter 18. Please be specific on the property that we are to seize and sell; make, model, serial number, description, all possible identifying numbers. For vehicles, we will need clear information that there are no other possible lienholders or persons with interest in the vehicle, otherwise we will require a creditors bond per ORS Chapter 18.
* Please contact the Civil Unit for other requirements and a quote for Sheriff’s costs based off of the type of property you would like seized and sold.
Writ of Execution Request Packet:
- Instructions to Sheriff (ORS 18.875)
- Writ of Execution
- Copy of Order Authorizing Sale (if needed per ORS 18.904)
- Copy of the Judgment
- Deposit check made out to “Deschutes County Sheriff’s office”.
- Contact the Civil Unit to discuss the amount of deposit.
Note: Because this is personal property that the Sheriff’s office is instructed to seize, please make sure that your Order Authorizing Sale of personal property or Writ of Execution has specific use of force language, the location of where the property is located (including any outbuildings). If this information is not in the order/writ and signed by a judge, then the Sheriff’s office has no authority to actually seize the property. We would be restricted to requesting compliance only.
** If the above items are not complete, we will not process and schedule the sale until we have all items. **
Mail or bring packets to:
Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Civil Unit
63333 West Highway 20
Bend, OR 97703
Submitting Creditors Written Bid:
- Due no less than 48 hours prior to sale date and time. Email to
- If you are submitting a minimum bid, but not a written credit bid, then you must have a representative show up at the sale to present your bid. Notify us through our email listed above.
- Any postponements or cancellations please email those to us as well.